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Women in Technology: Marie Curie

Considered a pioneer in the radioactivity field, this famous Polish-French scientist was the first woman...

Mujeres tecnólogas: Inspira STEAM

Fomentar la vocación tecnológica entre las niñas a través de acciones de sensibilización y orientación...

Women in Technology: Limor Fried

March is the women's month and at Gradiant you can read every Friday a post...

Women in Technology: Jude Milhon

We are beginning a new section of Women in Technology introducing Jude Milhon, programmer, writer...

21st century Women Technologists: Lilian Adkinson

Since 2009, Lilian is part of the team as a researcher in the area of...

21st Century Women Technologists: Laura Busto

Our colleague Laura loves the series but she really enjoys the languages: English, French and...

21st Century Women Technologists: Teresa Matamoro

Book lover and interested in astronomy, our colleague has lived in Scotland's amazing landscape for...

21st Century Women Technologists: Carla Álvarez

Born in a small village in Ribadumia called Leiro, our colleague is doing her internship...

¿Por qué elegir una carrera relacionada con las TIC?

¿Qué carrera elijo? ¿Cuál es la profesión con más futuro? Desde Gradiant animamos a que...

21st Century Women Technologists: Vanesa Fernández

Amante de la pintura y aficionada al senderismo, esta fonsagradina afincada en Vigo desarrolla su...