It is expected that Information and Communication Technologies will have a pivotal role to play in establishing more efficient health care models based on new interaction paradigms and increased patient education and counseling. Specifically, Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) technologies will contribute to these adjustments, such that senior citizens and people with a disability will be able to enjoy full access to health care while retaining their independence and mobility as long as possible.
Since it was founded, in December 2007, Gradiant have teamed up with private companies and governmental institutions to develop technologies applied to projects in health and AAL areas. The developed technologies have enabled the estimation of physiological parameters from image analysis, the analysis of emotions and facial recognition from video recordings, the estimation of age from facial features, the tracking of human motion using wearable sensors, and the development of an innovative education platform for health care providers based on augmented reality and 3D rendering.
Besides, Gradiant has contributed to the improvement in multimedia distribution systems, indoor location technology, automatic activity context identification, distributed computing, and data security. A brief presentation of the ongoing and completed projects in health and AAL can be found here.