Sense Aeroronautics is Gradiant’s latest spin-off, founded in 2023. Sense is an airspace surveillance system for drones or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). This system can be integrated with the drone’s flight control to offer advanced capabilities that provide a real-time visual situation beyond the pilot’s line of sight, avoiding collisions and ensuring air safety.
Current Detect And Avoid (DAA) solutions are designed for large aircraft, and therefore not favourable for smaller UAVs in terms of weight, power and cost.
This limitation leaves these aircraft without a real and effective option, limiting their operational capability.

Sense Aeronautics provides an additional layer of safety for use of UAVs by incorporating automatic obstacle and traffic detection. This system includes the latest Machine Learning technology to detect obstacles mid-flight using on-board cameras, further reducing potential risks.
Sense Aeronautics also assists the pilot during missions by integrating third-party sensors that provide collaborative and non-collaborative support in beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) operations.
The system can detect and classify objects with undetermined characteristics, such as people and vehicles, ensuring safe drone operations.
This is achieved through systems such as Foreign Object Debris Detection (FOD) and Automatic Target Recognition (ATR).

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