Corporate Compliance
The Board of Fundación del Centro Tecnolóxico de Comunicacións de Galicia – GRADIANT, has aproved a code of responsible practices and a protocol for the prevention of crimes.
This is intended to establish the performance criteria that must be observed by all those people who are part of Gradiant in the performance of their professional activities. Its purpose is to observe due diligence for the prevention, detection and eradication of irregular behaviors, whatever their nature, including, among others, the analysis of risks, the definition of responsibilities, the training of employees and members of the Board , as well as the formalization of procedures, especially for the notification and immediate elimination of irregular behavior.
All this with the ultimate goal of procuring professional, ethical and responsible behavior of all employees, members of the Board, external staff and collaborators in the development of their activities in any part of the world, as a basic element of their founding culture.
Gradiant · Good Practice Code (Spanish)
Gradiant · Corporate Compliance (Spanish)
In 2024, Gradiant implemented its 2nd Plan for Equal Opportunities between men and women. This plan is valid for 4 years, covering from April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2028.