The MICROSERVS project addresses the objective of the “Collaborative language tools projects” call, which aims to help natural language processing (NLP) tools become more accessible to a wider audience.
Currently, universities and other research entities often publish open-source software only on platforms like GitHub. At best, this software is associated with research papers or linked to other platforms like the CLARIN network or META-SHARE. This project aims to make these high-quality NLP tools more accessible by making them available through the ELRC-SHARE repository.
The tools we aim to target are speech and language technology tools from research institutions in the specific areas of the consortium partners: Spain, Portugal, Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Sweden. In doing so, we hope to enhance the dissemination of NLP tools in languages such as Icelandic, Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish, and, more specifically in our region, Spanish, Portuguese, and other languages from the Iberian Peninsula.
As a result, we expect the CEF ELRC-SHARE to be improved with a broad set of NLP tools that will facilitate researchers and software/service developers to use these tools in their research or service development.