The ONDADA project (Research and Development for the Expansion of AIS) is a project funded by the FEDER through the Innterconecta call, approved and launched in 2012. AIS (Automatic Identification System) allows vessels to exchange basic information such as speed and position with other ships and coastal stations. The main objective of ONDADA is to increase the coverage of this service so that more vessels can benefit from it. Since 2004, the IMO has required large ships to install this system, and in the coming years, it will also be mandatory for smaller vessels.
The ONDADA consortium includes various leading companies in the telecommunications sector at the Galician and national levels, with experience in equipment development (Egatel), telecommunications systems (Retevisión), AIS control (Activo Comunicaciones), and development of sea-oriented devices (SCiO). Gradiant is the research center subcontracted by the consortium.