The general objective of PRISMED is to generate new advanced cryptographic technologies to increase the reliability of e-Health infrastructures and services, as well as to enable the use of powerful data outsourcing and processing tools, such as Cloud computing, in a secure and reliable manner in e-Health services. To achieve this, the project integrates a balanced consortium made up of technological partners, research organizations, and end users (health entities), with the goal of reaching the proposed objective in a rational and effective way that takes into account all the entities involved in the development and deployment of cutting-edge technology in e-Health. The main aspect considered in this project is the protection of sensitive data privacy, as it is crucial in e-Health services. Thus, the technologies developed are aimed at addressing this aspect in two representative scenarios: i) analysis, studies, and collaborative diagnostics carried out on sensitive data in secure databases, and ii) Cloud computing with clinical data.
The research tasks to be carried out in this project will focus on the SPED (Signal Processing in the Encrypted Domain) paradigm, based on computing with encrypted data, as a fundamental tool for protecting privacy in untrusted environments.
The need for this project is based on the growing demand for guarantees of confidentiality and privacy in the processing of medical data through computerized means, especially in the context of new e-Health services in the Internet of the Future. The choice of Cloud computing as one of the foundational technologies in this project responds to the ambitious goal of serving as a cross-cutting solution for these systems in any application area (e.g., electronic banking, Cloud security provision, private smart metering, etc.).