Gradiant focuses on technological innovation in the fishing sector

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The Technological Centre has just presented the results of the “Next EmpleaMar” and “Buque eficiente” projects in which Artificial Intelligence and energy efficiency have played a fundamental role.

Financed with EU Next Generation funds, both have been developed for the Cooperativa de Armadores de Vigo in collaboration with other technology centres.

These developments allow fishing sector to adapt to present and future challenges.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) can become a great ally for such a traditional sector as the fishing one. This is shown by the results of two projects developed by Gradiant for the Cooperativa de Armadores de Vigo (ARVI) in collaboration with other technological centres, which will allow companies in the sector to adapt to present and future challenges.

The “Next EmpleaMar” project was created to mitigate the problem of generational replacement through a platform that uses Artificial Intelligence to connect job seekers and companies. In addition, it allows alerts to be issued on the expiry of certifications and accreditations required for crews.

For its part, the “Buque eficiente” project, developed in collaboration with the EnergyLab technology centre, has achieved notable results in a number of areas. These include the considerable reduction of greenhouse gas emissions related to energy consumption in the refrigeration installations of the participating ships, which translates into significant progress towards a more environmentally friendly fleet. In addition, the shipowner’s operating costs have been reduced, resulting in significant economic savings and improving the fishing industry’s prospects for financial sustainability.

In the words of Luis Pérez Freire, Executive Director of Gradiant, “the fishing sector is a key sector for the economy of the Spanish coast. Specifically, Galicia is home to more than 48 percent of the Spanish fishing fleet, concentrates more than 10 percent of the EU’s fresh fish landings and provides 20 percent of European aquaculture production. That is why the fishing industry, which has achieved a position of global leadership thanks to a constant commitment to innovation, must now go hand in hand with technological and digital innovation to continue to ensure its competitiveness. In this sense, Gradiant has much to contribute with ad hoc technological developments that allow the sector to move forward in an efficient and sustainable way”.

Both projects are funded by EU Next Generation funds.





