Three hundred people participate in the RIES 2023 Forum

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RIES23 brought together professionals from the social and healthcare sector in Vigo with several spaces dedicated to Longevity, Biotech, Onehealth and Artificial Intelligence.

The experts’ round table, organised by Gradiant, reflected on the problems of the current social and health care model


The eighth edition of the international RIES23 Forum, organised by the Galician Health Cluster (CSG), brought together 300 professionals from the health and social care sector, gathering in Vigo to address the challenges focused on “Innovative Health Ecosystems”. One of the purposes of this forum is to be a meeting point between the main agents of public-private collaboration and the different agents of the sector in order to promote innovative collaborative projects. Topics covered included Longevity, Biotech, Onehealth and Artificial Intelligence.


The centre pieces of the forum were the agora sessions, with Agustín Cañas, Technology Manager at Gradiant, moderating one such session titled “Transforming Socio-Health Care: The Role of European Data Spaces”, giving a space for debate and exploring subjects like Longevity, Biotech, Onehealth and Artificial Intelligence. The event ran over two days with a number of different spaces: on Wednesday 8 there was a space for networking and business generation. Yesterday, round table and agora sessions were held on the above-mentioned topics.

In the health field, Gradiant is a member of the Clúster Galego de Saúde and participates in the Health WG of the Spanish Hub Gaia-X, as a partner. Gradiant is also currently participating in the IGNICIA programme, a technology transfer initiative promoted by the Galician Innovation Agency with ACE, an eHealth solution.


Agora on European data management in industry

In today’s economic landscape, where data has become a fundamental raw material for the operation of many companies, its management and control are elements of great political importance. This becomes even more important with information as sensitive as people’s health data. Europe is working to offer a third way of governance based on returning sovereignty in this area to citizens. That’s why Europe is facilitating, through specific regulation and the funding of various projects, the development of different tools with which this approach to privacy need not undermine the possibilities for research into different diseases thanks to the efficient management of big data.

Two examples of these projects are PERSIST (already completed) and TRUMPET, of which Gradiant is the coordinator. Although both projects have a different purpose, our technology ensures patient data control and privacy in both projects with various systems and solutions. At the same time, it makes it easier for researchers from different centres to access them in order to have a larger sample for their cancer-related studies.








TRUMPET has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation action under grant agreement No. 101070038.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 875406




IGNICIA ACE Proyecto apoyado por el Programa Ignicia de la Axencia Galega de Innovación – Xunta de Galicia