5G forum 2024

Guide to navigate the 5G Forum 

  This year, we return to the 5G Forum to showcase our advances in technology focused on two main aspects: the security of 5G networks and UxVs. The event will take place at the Nissan Cartuja Auditorium in Seville, in a hybrid format with two in-person days (May 6th and 7th) and three virtual days […]

Empleo TIC en Galicia y cómo atraemos talento en Gradiant

Boosting IT employment in Galicia

According to the Observatorio da Sociedade da Información e a Modernización de Galicia, in 2022 there were more than 3,000 technology companies in Galicia. This figure places the community in fifth place in the country. Another highlight of the same report is the gross value added, which exceeded 1,740 million euros, representing almost 3% of […]