10 key factors to the Smart Industry

We are immersed in an environment in which we continually hear about Industry 4.0 and the application of technologies such as IoT or Artificial Intelligence to solve multiple problems and use cases that may arise in a manufacturing environment. Typical examples may be defect reduction and prescription of industrial process parameters, logistics optimization, or even […]

Attack Detection in Industrial Networks

The current industrial modernization requires a deployment of communication networks that allow the operation and monitorization of diverse processes, such as water distribution or electricity generation. This cluster of neworks belongs to what is commonly known as Operation Technology (OT), which is sensible to suffer from different kinds of cyberattacks that may cause security breaches, […]

Towards a universal, self-sovereign and privacy preserving digital identity for the public sector

The digitalisation of public administration services is nowadays an essential part of the Digital Single Market strategy to improve the access to goods and services across Europe for both citizens and businesses. In many cases, access to specific public services requires secure and trustful identification and management of the so called ‘digital identities’. Traditionally, digital […]