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Today, Jan. 28th, marks the #DataPrivacyDay. Ten years ago, the European Commission institutionalized the concern for protecting Euro citizen’s personal data by declaring this day.
According to Eurobarometer studies, only a minority of Europeans (15%) believe they have complete control over the personal information they provide on the Internet. In contrast, 31% of respondents think that they have no control at all (Eurobarometer, June 2015). Within the same survey, two out of three Europeans (67%) state they are concerned about not being in control at all about the personal information that they provide online.

We’re beginning 2016, a year in which we can expect significant progresses in the field of security of personal data belonging to European citizens.
Two events mark the beginning (and most likely the whole year span) of the year regarding this matter: On one side, the end of Safe Harbor policy. On the other, and the agreement between the Council, the Commission and the European Parliament on the long-awaited Euro Regulation on Data Protection (the current framework dates from 1995, so it is indeed outdated), wich will be mandatory for all member states within a period of two years.

First things first, the negotiation and implementation of measures to replace the now defunct Safe Harbor, annulled by judgment of the EU Court of Justice. If delayed, it would enlarge a situation of uncertainty for Member States, National Agencies for Data Protection, private businesses, and especially, European citizens.

Moreover, the agreement between the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of Europe unlocking the future Regulation of Data Protection, will be a significant evolution in terms of citizen empowerment over their personal data. The aforementioned Regulation introduces the principle of accountability, strengthens access to the right to oblivion, and also simplifies the procedures for citizens and companies of Europe to exercise their rights regarding the processing of their data.

The popularization of technologies with an enormous capacity to collect data, such as wearables, IoT, or above all, the techniques of Data Analytics and Data Intelligence, along with new business models based on collaborative economy and intensive data gathering; make increasingly necessary to implement Privacy by Design policies, along with comprehensive “evaluation of impact” systems prior to data acquisition.

Gradiant leads ICT innovation from Galicia, with the aim to protect privacy. The Centre has stepped into the Privacy by Design paradigm thanks to European project PRIPARE. In addition, the efforts of Gradiant in other fields of security technologies includes security for IoT systems, processing and storage of sensitive data in cloud enviroments, video analysis, multimedia forensic techniques, document traceability and security, biometrics, and biometric templates protection.

Solutions that also have improved the competitiveness of those companies that have chosen to innovate with us.