Gradiant lays the foundations of Digital Innovation Hub for Smart Farming in Galicia.

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Galicia Smart Farming

The latest developments of innovative digital technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT) and Data Analytics (including Big Data), among others, are beginning to transform the activity into the food chain by making it smarter. This can be seen now as an unstoppable trend in the European -and even global- primary sector, generating a data-centric revolution across the whole value chain. The changes are already beginning to bear fruit: improved operation planning, optimization of resources, reduced environmental impacts, improved traceability, increased production efficiency, or improved coordination between actors within the supply chain, are just a few examples of the advantages.

All EU regions could bring great benefits to their rural economies, thanks to the intelligent adoption of smart technologies. In the particular case of Galicia, this is even more so. The weight of the agrifood and aquaculture sectors in the Galician GDP is significantly higher than the European average. However, in order to successfully complete this leap forward, it is necessary that the different stakeholders involved in the sector (producers, food processors, machinery suppliers, engineering firms, knowledge centers and Public Administration) work together in a coordinated manner to seize opportunities and overcome barriers, such as improving the existing infrastructures, or improving the digital skills of rural workers. Galicia can become what the EC calls a digital innovation hub at European level in the agrifood and aquaculture sectors.

Gradiant, thanks to its vision and experience as Chair of the Working Group on Smart Farming and Food security in the European Alliance for innovation in Internet of Things (AIOTI), is Galicia’s most suitable innovation agent to translate and transfer the latest global technological trends in Smart Farming, to the reality of the primary sector in Galicia and Spain.

In this vein, Gradiant has taken the first steps to spark Galicia’s Digital Innovation Hub on Smart Farming by bringing together all stakeholders in a working meeting in its Vigo headquarters. It finally became an essential meeting point for agriculture companies and cooperatives, aquaculture producers, food processing industry, machinery manufacturers, engineering oriented agribusiness, ICT engineering, technology centers and universities.

During the event, examples of success stories in digital adoption and innovation in the food industry were presented by Feiraco, a dairy industry cooperative with a long-standing commitment to innovation. In addition, the day allowed to know how the Galician Public Administration is facing this transformation process, and what support mechanisms have been implemented by different departments of the Galician Government such as the Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN), the Agency for the Technological Modernisation of Galicia (AMTEGA) and the Galician Ministry of Rural Development.

Gradiant lays the foundations of Digital Innovation Hub for the primary sector in Galicia.

The ICT reference Center in Galicia brings together all stakeholders involved in the development of the region as a digital innovation hub in Smart Farming.