Second meeting of the Scientific Steering Committee of LIFTGATE at Gradiant

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LIFTGATE (Lifting Up the Research Potential of the Galician Telecomms Center) is a project supported by the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Commission through its Capacities-RegPot Programme. LIFTGATE aims at increasing the competitiveness of Gradiant as a excellent research center able to succeed in the European Research Areas.

The Scientific Steering Committee of the project LIFTGATE has held its second meeting today, at the premises of Gradiant.

During the meeting, the Committe reviewed the intense activity generated within LIFTGATE in the first two years of the project, the results achieved so far, and a forecast of the activity until the end of the project. The meeting included a round table in which the members of the Committee shared their suggestions on how to maximize the impact that LIFTGATE has in Gradiant and in the Galician innovation ecosystem.

The Committee is chaired by Prof. Fernando Pérez González, Executive Director of Gradiant, and includes representatives of all three sectors in the triple helix of innovation. The Committee includes representatives from the Galician Innovation Agency, the Galician ICT Industry and the Galician Universities. Additionally, the Committe includes representatives from Technicolor and Telecom Bretagne, two of the European entities Gradiant has exchanged research staff with during LIFTGATE.

The mission of the Scientific Steering Committee is to perform an external evaluation of the implementation of the project and the results obtained so far, and to steer the implementation in the next phases of the project.


LIFTGATE maintains its intense activity at Gradiant. Next week, a training session on “Marketing and commercialization of intellectual property and technology” will be held in the same location. This training session will take place next Friday 18 October, and will target Gradiant’s staff.