European avantgarde on Active and Healthy Ageing
Gradiant joins EIP on AHA Task Group C2 – eHealth Solutions for Independent Living.
Gradiant defends the important role of ICT in creating products and services to help the elderly for a more active and independent life
Gradiant has joined the Task Group C2: “ICT Solutions for Independent Living” of EIP on AHA. This entity is an initiative launched by the European Commission to address under an innovative approach, a large common social challenge to all European countries such as active aging, which also represents an area in which Europe has a considerable potential to establish itself as a world leader, by generating innovative solutions.
Objective: Two more years of healthy life for Europeans

The EIP on AHA’s overall objective is to increase by 2 the number of healthy years of life of European citizens until 2020.
EIP on AHA includes a number of reference regions (among which Galicia is included), a Marketplace, and six task groups to address relevant issues as solutions for independent living, fall prevention, prescription and adherence to medical prescriptions, or functional decline and frailty.
ICT innovation to improve quality of life
Gradiant defends the important role of ICT in creating products and services that can help older people to lead a more active and independent life. Gradiant capitalize on its expertise in areas such as eHealth experience, the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data and the Cloud, to collaborate actively in the definition of these technologies with other entities.
On the other hand, take advantage Gradiant interaction and networking with European experts to deepen the knowledge of your computer and transfer the Galician business fabric, either through joint ventures or through communication and dissemination.
eHealth committed, at a European level

With this addition, Gradiant increases and strengthens its commitment to innovation in e-health ICT. A commitment based on its history of R & D in this field, as Eheart, HOLOS or femora, and its ongoing work within the Joint Research Unit (UMI) eJKC, together with the multinational everis and Ramon Dominguez Foundation .
Joining Task Force C2 EIP on AHA is a step ahead in the international strategy of Gradiant in the field of eHealth: from 2012, Gradiant is part of this European association as part of its Action Group A2, focused on preventing falls in the elderly. The group’s objectives focused on the development, production and distribution of policies and tools for fall prevention programs. In addition, its members sought to promote innovation, and to stimulate and facilitate the development of programs to achieve that goal. Through its participation, Gradiant sought to understand how technology can help older people avoid falls and injuries associated with them.
Gradiant collaborates with the A1 group EIP on AHA in the search for technologies that promote better adherence to medical treatments for elderly people.
Further information:
Gradiant: Healthcare and Wellness
Gradiant develops new technologies for health and independent living
Recommendation Systems for healthcare