Facendo Plus project reaches its first year of implementation
The Facendo Plus project (Industrial Competitiveness and Electromobility through Innovation and Digital Transformation Plus) celebrates its first year since its kick-off.
Led by Stellantis Vigo, and co-financed by the Xunta de Galicia through Feder funds, it counts with the participation of the technological centres CTAG, Aimen, EnergyLab and Gradiant; the University of Vigo, and the companies Unimate, SFC Solutions, Probotec and Merasys.
The Facendo Plus project (Industrial Competitiveness and Electromobility through Innovation and Digital Transformation Plus) is now in its first year of life. With the main objectives of demonstrating advances in industrial competitiveness to generate technological innovation and boost the value chain in the Galician automotive sector, significant progress has already been made in this first phase.
On the one hand, it has already been possible to analyse in depth how the automotive industry currently manages its applications in the cloud. In addition, a first proposal has been made to automate a large part of the Cloud and Edge deployments. It has also been possible to note in this first year a reduction in deployment time and greater ease of management.
On the other hand, in terms of communication technologies, the needs of the industry in terms of connected vehicles have been detected and known. The design of a digital communications twin has been proposed, which is expected to become the communications management and debugging system for the car of the future.
The period of execution of this programme, from the publication of the call for grants made by the Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN) in July 2023, will last for more than three years, ending in September 2026. The partners of Facendo Plus will make an investment of 19.5 million euros, with a public aid of almost 10 million euros from the Xunta de Galicia, through the European Regional Development Fund in the framework of the Feder Galicia 2021-2027 programme.
Facendo Plus had as a background, since 2016, two other Research and Development projects: Factoría 4.0 and Facendo 4.0, which materialised an investment of close to 170 million euros, with the execution of three million hours of research and engineering and the registration of up to 46 patents.
Subsidised by the Galician Innovation Agency of the Xunta de Galicia and co-financed by the European Union.