Galician Health Cluster celebrate a “Espazo KIT Saúde”

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KIT ehealth GRD

Gradiant and the Galician Health Cluster celebrate a “Espazo KIT Saúde” on Friday 24 at Gradiant’s HQ.

The “Espazo KIT (Knowledge, Innovation and technology) Saúde” are short lectures with topics of interest to the partners among Galician Health Cluster.

The main objective of these areas is addressing issues of interest to members of the CSG, in order to transmit knowledge, promote approchements between partners, generate networking and identify business opportunities in the health sector.

Specifically, Friday’s event aims to raise awareness among the CSG partners about the latest technologies developed by GRADIANT applicable to the eHealth sector through collaboration between the Center and Cluster members.

For further info about the program of the session, please follow this link.