Gradiant attends DySPAN 2012

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Elena García Couto | Researcher

From 16th to 19th October the IEEE Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN) was held its 6th annual event in Bellevue, Washington. This international conference, hosted by the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) and founded in 2005, was created with the aim to bring together the advancements in wireless technologies and its associated regulatory policies.

The meeting opened with a full day of tutorials and then continued with a three day schedule of both technical and policy topics consisting of paper presentations, business panel discussions, new technology poster displays and both live and video demonstrations. In this field, the article submitted by Gradiant together with the University of Vigo, has been the only Spanish contribution to technical sessions.

During these three days, they were also conducted several keynotes sessions performed by global experts including Henry Tirri (Nokia’s Chief Technology Officer and Executive Vice President), Charles Kalmanek (Vice President of Research at AT&T) or Rajesh Pankaj, (Senior Vice President, Engineering of Qualcomm Research), among others.

In addition to this, from Wednesday to Friday, DySPAN also entailed two panel discussions. The first one, “Standards Support for Dynamic Spectrum Access”, was presented by representatives of the Wireless Innovation Forum and industry experts specialized in the development of TV White Space spectrum solutions. The second one, “Regulatory Options and Opportunities for Dynamic Spectrum Access”, brought together policy makers and regulatory experts from entities such as FCC, Ofcom or the European Commission, in order to discuss the regulatory framework and prospective changes that will be performed in different parts of the world that would affect the policy spectrum for sharing, dynamic spectrum access and cognitive radio technologies.

By attending to this event, Gradiant has shared its expertise in spectrum engineering with worldwide leading companies and has also witnessed the progress in topics such as white spaces utilization, commercialization of smart radio systems and progress in dynamic spectrum access technologies.