Gradiant begins hiring process for experienced postdoctoral researchers within the framework of the LIFTGATE project

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The Center will hire six experienced postdoctoral researchers covering different innovative ICT research lines.

The Galician Research and Development Center in Advanced Telecommunications (Gradiant) is a private R&D center based in Vigo, Spain with the mission of improving the competitiveness of the industry through Information and Communication Technology transfer. At present time, Gradiant is interested in filling six Experienced Researcher positions within the framework of its project LIFTGATE (EC-FP7 contract no. 285901). LIFTGATE is a project co-funded by the European Commission through the Capacities-REGPOT (Research Potential) programme of the Seventh Framework Programme. LIFTGATE will boost Gradiant’s capacities in terms of internationalization and innovative ICT research. This will contribute to a substantial increase of Gradiant’s competitiveness and visibility at EU level.

The applicants must hold a PhD in Telecommunication, Electrical Engineering or similar, and have at least 3 years of postdoctoral research experience. The candidates are expected to boost and lead innovative applied research lines related to multimedia security, information systems security, information processing and satellite communications.
There are currently five open positions:

  1. OF0211 – Experienced researcher in Cryptology. Details: Euraxess PDF
  1. OF0311 – Experienced researcher in Cloud Computing. Details: Euraxess PDF
  1. OF0411 – Experienced researcher in Data Mining and Knowledge Discover. Details: Euraxess PDF
  1. OF0511 – Experienced researcher in Machine Learning for Affective Computing. Details: Euraxess PDF
  1. OF0611 – Experienced researcher in Signal Processing for Communications. Details: Euraxess PDF