Gradiant hosts an event gathering the three galician REGPOT projects

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Galicia is an exceptional case within Europe, since the five REGPOT projects that have been granted in Spain (Seventh Framework EU Programme), three are from the Autonomous Community: LIFTGATE (Gradiant) Biocaps (Vigo Biomedical Institute of Research) and FAIERA (Aimen). Among the three made a return of 8.5 million euros for Galicia, and contribute to raise the quality of Galician R+D at European level in three areas of relevance to the region, such as ICT, biomedical and advanced manufacturing.
To analyze the impact and return of these unique projects in Europe and the persistence of their results over time, and to discuss possible synergies in the context of the Smart Specialisation Strategy of Galicia (RIS3), Gradiant organized this Friday a conference that included representatives from each of the above projects, and Manuel Varela (Director of the Galician Innovation Agency, Xunta de Galicia).
During Horizon 2020, Galicia will no longer be favored by any similar program. The regional dimension of research will mainly be funded through the RIS3, which seek to increase regional competitiveness acting in a limited number of areas of activity.
The REGPOT – RIS3 event has served to publicize the Galician REGPOT projects, Galician RIS3 strategy, and analyze how this three projects can contribute to this strategy in a sustainable manner.