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Gradiant has been incorporated in the Spanish Association of Foundations as a partner. The Association is considered as a public utility organization and it groups more than 750 Spanish associations, from many different areas and dimensions and from national, autonomous and local field.The Spanish Association of Foundations has three main objectives:

  • To represent the interests of foundational sector in front of the civil services and society.
  • To render different services to the associated foundations to run itselves and to achieve its goals.
  • To Articulate and fortify the foundational sector, promoting mutual understanding, collaboration, synergy and network tasks.

The Spanish Association of Foundations offers to his associated a consultancy legal, fiscal and accounting aspects services about of the foundational activity. The Associations achieves this through question solving and reports.

The Spanish Association of Foundations provides detailed and specific information about legal, fiscal and accountant current rules as well, by sending circulars and informative and periodic notes. The Association makes a monitoring of the Government and civil services plans about these questions.