GRADIANT is participating in LOBIN project

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Gradiant participates as a member in LOBIN project, co-funded by the Industry, Tourism and Trade Ministry ireless network on hospital environments to patient location and biomonitoring The LOBIN project (Wireless network on hospital environments to patient location and biomonitoring) is oriented to undertake researching lines on the design of a hardware/software platform able to support location and biomonitoring textronics applications for a social and hospital environments. The smart materials are a new generation of components from nanotechnology and materials included on the big compound family.This new materials generation offers high design and new products development potential. This new products will have properties that could be controlled and configured on demand, permitting the personalized interaction with final user and with many applications for industry and different market segment, including: electronics mass market, telecommunications, toys, fitness, defense, health…

The LOBIN project has as its main objective the development of a full location and biomonitoring platform in hospital environment. This locating and biomonitoring basic structure will be based in the use of smart shirts (washable and reusable) with incorporated eTextile sensors that are able to transmit a ECG by wireless connection, the breathing, the relative position of the patient (lying, standing up), physical activity rate and space location.The communication will be by a wireless mesh network to permit devices association,  based on the short-range wireless communication standard, low energy consumption and low-cost power called ZigBee.

What’s more, it will be designed and validated a Secure Network Information System to take control of the patients as well as the visual and graphic representation of the location in real-time, everything represented on a map of the hospital center. Likewise, the information network system must count take on with other additional tools, like alarms in case of a patient displacement out of the limits of the hospital center, continual registration of the patient ECG, real time detection of the rhythm events (arrhythmia, bradycardia, tachycardia, fibrillation, etc.)

The prototype will be specially important to open a new work line, although in this case, it’s focussed in patients control, could be easily adaptable to another necessities and scenario because of the employed technology, as well as the applications to develop, will have a high degree of reuse. This strategy approach is specially significant because it permits the consolidation on the part of SIMAVE in so important matter in this bussiness area as the ubiquity, patients managements and resources and others are.

On the other hand, it is necessary to emphasize that this project will turn in the starting point of collaboration between SIMAVE, Nlaza and NUUBO, opening with it a very important work line for them. It is necessary to emphasize as well the activation of the knowledge and technology transfer that will happens between I+D Centers and the three develop companies, with the objective of enhance the quality of life of citizens and approach the Information Society to a bigger extended public.