Gradiant joins the first international signing

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Ph.D. Jianxin Chen, from China and expert in human-machine interfaces based in body motion tracking systems, has joined Gradiant team in August. With him, the research center counts with three Ph.D.The research center team has a new member: Ph.D. Jianxin Chen, from China, who is the first international signing in Gradiant.

Jianxin Chen was born in February of 1973. He has obtained his bachelor degree with major in Automation Engineering in 1996. After that, he worked as an assist engineer in a Chinese national petroleum chemical company for three years. Then in 1999, he started the master degree with the major of computer engineering in Nanjing University of Post& Telecommunications in China. During that period, his main interest concentrated on the real time multimedia communication over IP network, e.g. SIP for VOIP. From 2002, Jianxin started his Ph.D study with the major of communication engineering in Shanghai Jiaotong University, where his research interest focused on the algorithm design and protocol implementation in communication network, especially for the wireless sensor networks. After that, he worked as a lecturer in Nanjing University of Post& Telecommunications from 2007.3-2008.5. Then he joined the IPP-Hurray lab in the School of Engineering (ISEP) of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (IPP), Portugal as a postdoctoral, where he developed the motion tracking system with wireless sensor network.

Jianxin Chen has joined to Gradiant team in August 2009, and will focus on the industrial application developments and related research based on the wireless sensor network technologies.