Gradiant participates in IEEE CLOUD 2012

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Last week was held in Honolulu, Hawaii (USA) the 5th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing, one of the most important international conferences on cloud computing. The conference was sponsored by companies like IBM, SAP, HP and Huawei. Among the main keynote speakers are Stephen L. Diamond (EMC Corporation), Tony Shan (Consultant), Leon bian (LG Electronics), Don Deutsch (Oracle), Dawn Leaf (NIST) and Dejan Milojicic (HP Labs).

Congress has enabled many research centers, universities and companies to present their latest work in many aspects of cloud computing such as business models, frameworks, management and analytical platforms, efficient provision of resources, monitoring, virtualization, security, improved performance or power management. Among the most interesting topics covered by participants were Big Data (Map Reduce, Hadoop), Green Computing and Cloud Privacy.

This year, the researcher Daniel A. Rodríguez of Gradiant has participated presenting the article  “Videosurveillance based on Cloud storage” within the “Work-in-progress” track. It proposes an architecture based on video clients and cloud processing virtual servers which analyzes and store video in the cloud safely, minimizing data loss in case of interrupted communication with the cloud storage provider by efficient management of buffers.

The work has been well received, with emphasis on the processing of sensitive data in the cloud using data processing in the encrypted domain techniques (DPED) or using criptoprocessors.

Gradiant is currently working on applying these technologies to improve security in the cloud, one aspect that still remains a major concern in adopting cloud computing by companies.