Gradiant, present in NEM’s General Assembly

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The NEM Initiative (Networked and Electronic Media Initiative) was established as one of the European Technology Platform under the Seventh Framework Programme, aiming at fostering the convergence between consumer electronics, broadcasting and telecoms in order to develop the emerging business sector of networked and electronic media. In order to respond to new need and requirements of the Horizon 2020 programme, the NEM initiative enlarged its focus towards creative industries and changed its name to New European Media.


The NEM constituency includes all major European organisations working in the networked and electronic media area, including content providers, creative industries, broadcasters, network equipment manufacturers, network operators and service providers, academia, standardisation bodies and government institutions. Those actors share a common Vision and have been producing a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) as well as position papers, in order to accelerate the innovative development of the new sector in a harmonised and fruitful way and to place European industry at the forefront of the information era.


Gradiant is part of the NEM General Assembly, wich assembles all stakeholders in the Media & Contents Industry. General Assembly members elect the NEM Steering Board, endorse the NEM Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) as well as the policies and content of the initiative.