Gradiant sends a delegation to ICT2015 event in Lisbon

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ICT2015 is the biggest event on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on the European calendar.

Both the exhibition and conferences are structured around three concepts:Innovate, Connect and Transform.

During the Conferences, in wich EU commisioners and selected european companies will participate, the main lines of European policies R&D in ICT for 2016 and 2017 will be presented, as will be the funding opportunities in the Horizon 2020 program EU for the same period.

Also, thematic sessions will be held on particular topics such as the Internet of Things. These topic-focused sessions will address the specific funding lines available under Horizon2020 program, and the specific objectives and challenges that european R&D projects must face during the period mentioned above.

The ICT2015 Exhibition will show the results and progress of R&D projects selected from FP7, CIP and H2020 ICT support programs, with special emphasis on concrete examples of international cooperation.

The EC has set up a website for streaming plenary lectures HERE.

More information about the # ICT2015 event on the following LINK.