Gradiant Signature: Handwritten signature recognition

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handwritten signature recognition

GRADIANT SIGNATURE integrates latest GRADIANT’s dynamic handwritten signature recognition technology.

GRADIANT SIGNATURE comprises a set of libraries ready for integration in mobile and server platforms. It is intended for biometric system integrators as well as application developers.

GRADIANT SIGNATURE combines signal processing, pattern recognition and machine learning techniques, enabling fully automatic signature recognition in smartphones, tablets and signature pads.


  • Award-winning dynamic signature recognition technology: excellent verification rates.
  • Configurable enrollment and security levels.
  • Detection of easy-to-forge signatures and template coherence.
  • Ideal for documental security and transactions, including financial services, insurance or healthcare.
  • SDK available for easy and flexible integration in custom applications.
  • Multiplatform: Windows, Linux, Android and iOS, and for client/server architectures.
  • Increased security, convenience and availability can be achieved by the easy combination with compatible GRADIANT biometric modalities such as face or speaker recognition.
  • Compatible among smartphones, tablets and signature pads.

Technical details

  • GRADIANT SIGNATURE integrates several modules in order to provide a complete mobile authentication solution:
      • Acquisition and control modules for mobile devices allowing fast integration and development of handwritten signature authentication enabled applications.
      • Analysis of single signature complexity to avoid easy-to-forge signatures.
      • Analysis of template (multiple signatures) coherence.
      • Handwritten signature template creation from one or several signatures.
      • Biometric template matching, allowing an easy development of verification and identification applications.

Multiple signature platforms

  • SDK available for both mobile devices (smartphone and tablet) and signature pads, allowing multiple signature use cases and scenarios: banking, documental security, etc.

Template protection module

  • Template protection for enhanced security and privacy protection in pen tablets through advanced cryptosystem technology.*

*To be released.

For further infoBiometrics by Gradiant

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Handwritten signature recognition

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