In tests the project of broad mobile band 4G of the consortium WIMOVE

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In the last days they have been carried out in A Coruña try on LTE’s pilot network, the technology of the new generation of mobile communications. The above mentioned network has been opened for R, Cable one of the members of the Galician consortium WIMOVE, integrated also by Arteixo Telecom, Gsertel, Optare Solutions and Level Telecom, partners who possess Gradiant’s support (The Galician Research and Development Centre in Advanced Telecommunication).

The project WIMOVE began to walk in 2009 with the support of the Center for the Technological Development and Manufacturer (CDTI) across the Technological Fund.

It has been first one of the projects financed in Galicia with these helps, more known at present by his support in the summons Innterconecta. The tests carried out have allowed to validate some of the developments carried out during the course of the project from diverse measures opened in the streets of A Coruña.

The technology LTE is starting giving step to the mobile of the future, with a user’s better experience of the hand of rates of transmission much higher than the current ones. It is there where the Galician industry of telecommunications can play a very relevant paper, since they demonstrate the contributions realized in WIMOVE in the development of devices to canalize, to measure and to manage the information in networks of broad mobile band.

It has been first one of the projects financed in Galicia with LTE’s implantation in Spain the operators will be done of the hand of the new licenses granted in 2011, though it will not be of imminent form, in spite of which, the Galician industry goes years working also with the look put in the exterior market.