Innovation and Industry sign a collaboration agreement with the Gradiant foundation
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Innovation and Industry signs a collaboration agreement with the Gradiant Foundation to develop R&D and innovation projects. The Regional Ministry of Innovation and Industry invested €440,000 in Gradiant in 2008, 100% of the total expenditure included in the agreement
Fernando Blanco, Regional Minister of Innovation and Industry has signed a collaboration agreement with Fernando Pérez González, managing director of the Galician Research and Development Centre in Advanced Telecommunication (GRADIANT), to develop R&D and innovation projects in the field of new information and communication technologies (ICT). Under the terms of the agreement the Regional Ministry of Innovation and Industry will provide a fund of €2,484,500 to finance the projects.
The Regional Ministry of Innovation and Industry invested €440,000 in Gradiant in 2008, 100% of the total expenditure included in the agreement en GRADIANT.
Funding for 2009 will reach €900,000, 60% of the total cost, and in 2010 the ministry will provide €2,484,500, 50% of the expenditure included in the agreement. The investment comes on top of the money already provided by the regional ministry for setting up the centre. This was originally budgeted at €395,000, of which the ministry provided €143,000.