Kick-off Meeting of FP7 BATS Project

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Carlos Mosquera | Communications Area Director

The research project BATS (Broadband Access via Integrated Terrestrial & Satellite Systems), an Integrated Project recently approved for funding under the European Union 7th Framework Program, was kicked off at the plenary meeting held on the 20th and 21st of November  in a hotel near London.

Gradiant is one of the fifteen partners of the consortium, formed by some of the most prominent entities in the field in Europe, including industry, research centers and two telecommunication operators.

The project  addresses the delivery of broadband future services by means of integrated satellite and terrestrial service delivery.

“An Intelligent User Gateway” is at the core of the project; this gateway must dynamically route each traffic flow through the most appropriate access network to optimize the Quality of Experience (QoE).

This unified concept will be tested in the lab and also in field trials to carry out in Germany and Spain. At the satellite segment, research on Ultra High Throughput Satellite Systems will be performed to progress on the reduction of the cost per bit.

Gradiant will participate mainly on the system definition, field trials and research on new ultrafast satellite links.