LIFTGATE showcased at SAM 2014

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Gradiant’s project LIFTGATE (Lifting Up the Research Potential of the Galician Telecomms Center) was present during this week at the Eighth IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM 2014), held at the city of A Coruña, Spain between 22 and 25 June.
The SAM workshop is an international biennial event that brings together the international research community to present and discuss state-of-the-art developments in the field. This year’s edition was a success, with over 170 participants coming from all over the world.
LIFTGATE enjoyed a premium stand at the entrance of the venue, where it was represented by three members of Gradiant: Luis Pérez and Iago Gómez (researchers from the Communications Area) and Marcos Álvarez (LIFTGATE project coordinator). The attendants to the workshop could learn about the positive impact that LIFTGATE is having in the competitiveness of Gradiant as research and innovation facility. In addition, Gradiant displayed some communications technology demonstrators developed thanks to LIFTGATE, which attracted the attention of a number of a large number of participants.
This action takes place in the framework of the actions planned from LIFTGATE that seek to promote Gradiant’s research competence among the research community.
The LIFTGATE project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 under grant agreement nº 285901.