Miguel Regueiro attended to the second assembly of Plataforma I+Dea

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The opening was chaired by the R&D General Director from Xunta de Galicia (Galician Regional Government) Ricardo Capilla PueyoMiguel Regueiro, from the Sales Department of Gradiant went to A Coruña the 20th of July to the second meeting of the Plataforma I+dea. Gradiant, together with Spica, is the coordinator of the Group 3, one of the largest of the plataform, wich has 39 members, all of them from audiovisual and ICT sector.

The coordination is being carried out by a representative of all the companies and a representative from the researching bodies. During this period being part of the group, the memberships have made five work proposals, two of them directly made from Gradiant. Gradiant, as coordinator of the working group, made general review of the developed initiatives and the coming actions for the 2009-2010 period, wich aims to stimulate the activity of the group and to try to materialize successfully the 2009 presented projects.

During the act, Tato Alonso, Spica’s manager, was introduced as the new coordinator, representing the companies. The 2009-2010 accounts were approved unanimously.