Open Innovation

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Professor Henry Chesbrough presented in Santiago de Compostela his ideas on open innovation last Monday. Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, he was at the Centro de Novas Tecnoloxías de Galicia with Professor Xavier Marcet, founder and CEO of LTCproject, and both were introduced by the Xunta de Galicia R&D responsable, Ricardo Capilla.

The seminar was devoted to sharing with the audience, including some members of Gradiant, the concept of open innovation for companies introduced by Professor Chesbrough a few years ago. He also presented the Galician edition of his latest book entitled “Open Services Innovation”, where Professor Chesbrough emphasizes the importance of open innovation applied to the case of services, with examples of “co-creation” between companies and customers to increase business value.


In short, we can say that open innovation is a paradigm that advocates the search for partnerships that can reduce time to market, putting together talent and ideas from inside and outside a given company. The number of companies that decide to open cooperation links with other entities is growing, such as Philips Research, trying to avoid at the same time the commodity trap which can prevent further innovation.

As Professor Marcet says,”the goal should be to open our organizations to make them more innovative and enable them to grow more and better”. From this point of view, we believe that research centers like Gradiant are called to play a pivotal role supporting innovation in the industry.

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