Alfredo Ramos renews his position as president of the Gradiant Board

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The current president is re-elected by the board of trustees of the technology centre
Jose Luis Albo keeps his position as vice-president of the institution

The entities that are part of Gradiant’s board of trustees have elected again Alfredo Ramos as president of the board of the Foundation. The current president of the Gradiant Foundation board gets again the majority of votes, as well as the vice president, José Luis Albo, director of Public Sector Galicia, Asturias and Cantabria in INDRA, as well as president of the business council of the Foundation.

After four years in office, there have been no changes in the presidency of the board of trustees of the technology centre at a time when Gradiant consolidates its place as a benchmark in the technology sector. During this period, the orientation of Gradiant towards the business sector and the improvement of the competitiveness of the Galician industry has been boosted through the lines of Connectivity, Intelligence and Security. Proof of this are the various programmes related to Industry 4.0, Industrial Security, etc. Likewise, important alliances have been achieved with regional and state public sector institutions.

The re-election of Alfredo Ramos and José Luis Albo brings stability to the current project to maintain Gradiant as a reference ICT centre within the innovation ecosystem in Spain and consolidates its international positioning.

International reference innovation

Gradiant is a technological centre oriented to give service to the companies, contributing to the improvement of the competitiveness of the Galician industrial fabric through R&D and innovation in the ICT field. In its fourteen years of life, it has developed and implemented in the market more than 350 projects and has managed to locate in Galicia a qualified employment base made up of more than 150 people specialised in engineering, research and experts in developing innovation in the field of telecommunications.

Gradiant is developing projects with leading national and international companies. It also maintains its firm commitment to strengthening the Galician Innovation System and the global objectives of economic and social sustainability.