Quantum technologies, the key to turn Galicia into an international referent

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Gradiant has been preparing for this challenge since 2020 as one of the pillars of its future.

Xunta and CESGA are focused on this technology with actions planned in infrastructures, personnel and training and talent programmes.


The director of the Axencia Galega de Innovación (GAIN), Patricia Argerey, presented this September the Galician Network of Quantum Technologies with the aim of creating a collaboration between the Administration, technology centres, universities and the business sector to join forces and continue advancing in Galicia’s leadership in quantum technologies.

The objective of this network is to promote and collaborate with all the agents in quantum technologies to develop a complete ecosystem that will enable the use of capacities and resources while generating synergies in joint R&D projects. In line with the Network is the technological commitment with the Galician Quantum Technologies Pole.


Galician Quantum Technologies Pole

The now former first vice-president and regional minister of Economy, Industry and Innovation, Francisco Conde, presented the Galician Quantum Technologies Pole in August 2022. In his announcement he indicated the objectives of the pole itself, such as the 2021-2030 strategy, which already has €30 million in execution and aims to reach more than €150 million with European funds.

The Pole, which was created with the aim of being a European and international benchmark in quantum computing and communication by 2030, collaborates with several agents of the Galician R&D system, the three universities, technology centres such as Gradiant, the CSIC, the ICT Cluster, companies and professionals and CESGA with the contribution of the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre as a European benchmark. Within the 2021-2030 strategy, and specifically the 2021-2025 Plan, the first step was the purchase the most powerful quantum computer in Spain and one of the first in Europe, with a capacity of 32 cubits. The Fujitsu equipment cost around 14 million euros and will provide service to companies that need its computing capacity to boost technological research in Galicia.

The other actions foreseen in the Plan are a new CESGA Building, the creation of a secure quantum telecommunications link (QKD) between Vigo and Santiago de Compostela (100km), research groups in Quantum Computing, Qtalent programmes for attracting and retaining or executing projects by companies and technology centres. These measures are intended to meet the scientific-technical demands within a variety of sectors such as medicine, logistics, telecommunications and finance, among others.


Gradiant’s commitment to quantum technologies

Gradiant started 3 years ago its commitment to quantum technologies with the creation of a multidisciplinary team focused on the development of algorithms for quantum communications as the central axis of the R&D strategy of the Vigo centre for the coming years.

Gradiant focuses on the development of quantum sensors for monitoring the radio frequency spectrum oriented to 5G and 6G technologies, or applications to health sector in neuroscience and cardiology. In terms of software, technology centres are key players in providing solutions applied to industry, so it is essential to apply algorithms that harness the potential of computing and quantum artificial intelligence for managing communications and information cryptography.

In the medium term, companies can see how the way they solve their optimisation problems, essential for smart industry, is changing. New computational methods will make it possible to anticipate solutions to reduce companies’ time, energy and expense. However, the main factor is the current investment in R&D to find solutions to specific problems with quantum technologies, hence Gradiant’s firm commitment to these technologies.