Gradiant promotes cybersecurity from Galicia with a focus on intelligent transport

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Proyecto para impulsar la ciberseguridad en transporte inteligente 

Gradiant’s participation: specialised laboratories in 5G and industrial cybersecurity for transport and critical infrastructures.

This space will be essential to ensure the security and robustness of communications in critical applications such as connected and autonomous vehicles.


The Xunta de Galicia has announced the creation of a network of cybersecurity laboratories and demonstration centres, as part of the RETECH trans-regional project for the creation of an Innovation and Competence Centre in this field. This programme, financed mainly through the PRTR and NextGenerationEU funds, managed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and INCIBE through the Axencia para a Modernización Tecnolóxica de Galicia (Amtega), aims to strengthen technological capabilities in cybersecurity in Galicia, Catalonia and the Valencian Community. The total budget of the agreement is 8.4 million euros.


The participation of Gradiant: laboratories specialised in 5G and industry

Gradiant joins this initiative with the development of two key laboratories. On the one hand, a 5G cybersecurity laboratory, focused on the validation of advanced network components and the evaluation of technologies associated with intelligent transport services. This space will be essential to ensure the security and robustness of communications in critical applications such as connected and autonomous vehicles.

On the other hand, the industrial cybersecurity laboratory will provide an environment to develop and validate solutions to protect strategic infrastructures. This type of technology is essential for sectors such as manufacturing and transport, ensuring the integrity of systems against potential vulnerabilities.





RETECH is a project funded by the European Union NextGeneration, PRTR and INCIBE:
