Satellite Communications in Galicia

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Gradiant and University of Vigo researchers have been addressing different actions in the Satellite Communications (SatCom) field, which is of strategic importance for Europe in general and offers many opportunities also for Galicia. Thus, they belong to the group of European research institutions working for the European Space Agency (ESA) -and coordinated by DLR– to explore emerging techniques for medium and long-term space communication needs, assisting ESA in the selection of promising avenues for R&D work plans. This work is the continuation of the previous participation in two previous FP6 European projects on satellite communications.


As part of its mission to offer support to the industry, Gradiant has also been working with companies in Spain on the SatCom field and, more recently, has started the joint development of advanced products together with the Galician company Egatel, in this case with the support of the Galician regional government.

With respect to dissemination activities, Gradiant and the University of Vigo will co-organize in 2012 together with DRL and the University of Bologna the European conference of reference in this field, the 6th Advanced Satellite Multimedia Systems Conference, to be held in Baiona.

Preparation of graduate students is known to be key for hosting R&D capacities. In addition to the supervision of PhD thesis, some researchers in Gradiant are also faculty members of the SIGMA Master from the University of Vigo, which includes specific courses on satellite communications and positioning to reinforce the background of the students in this area, many of whom are already working at Galician companies.

Overall, both Gradiant and the University of Vigo, as part of their research and transfer mission, give support to the Galician industry to be more competitive in this sector, which is expected to generate many more jobs throughout Europe in the upcoming years.