Sign3r: Documents Security

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Secure Document Management and Signature System (Sign3r)
Sign3r is a mobile & safe documents signing and management system, extending the security offered by the electronic signature, while adding two additional protective measures: traceability of documents and verification of signatures.
Sign3r is composed of a web platform that allows documents signature and management, plus a mobile application to sign such documents.

Secure system

Sign3r allows multiple users to securely sign a document, thanks to the combination of:

  • Invisible watermark for documentary traceability. Each signer receives a single copy of the original document, so if a leak happens, Sign3r can discover the perpetrator. Sign3r ensures traceability, whether the document is kept in digital or printed format.

  • Handwritten signature recognition to authenticate users.

  • Biometric digital signature provides authentication, non-repudiation and document integrity.


Avoid problems

Sign3r just effectively with the typical problems of current management systems firms:

  • Management difficulties signing certificates.
  • Difficulties in verifying the identity of / the undersigned / s.
  • Lack of mechanisms to ensure traceability of the documents once they have left behind the digital format.

Sign3r Highlights:

Safe & mobile documents signing and management system

User verification by online handwritten signature technology

Number of signatures registration fully configurable

Security alerts for ‘weak’ signatures

Traceability and digital documents:

  • Resistant to distortions, printing and scanning and even incomplete documents.

  • Compatible with any printer and scanner.

For more information about Sign3r, download the brochure
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