TEGRA Cybersecurity Center presents Stela FileTrack, its first solution for companies

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The objective of this tool is to protect sensitive documentary information in organizations

The centre, promoted by Telefónica and Gradiant, brings together cybersecurity managers from companies all over Spain in Santiago to celebrate its first anniversary

TEGRA Cybersecurity Center presented today Stela FileTrack, one of its first solutions to protect sensitive document information in organizations, in a workshop to commemorate the first anniversary of the alliance between Telefónica and Gradiant in Santiago de Compostela (Galicia). Stela FileTrack lets you know where your information is, regardless of whether documents are on-premises, servers, email or in the cloud; and when they are shared with others inside and outside the organization.

The functionalities of Stela FileTrack were shown to cybersecurity officers (CTOs, CIOs and CISOs) from different regional and national companies, who were able to verify its operation in situ and share their impressions.

Promoted by Gradiant and Telefónica-ElevenPaths -and with the support of the Xunta de Galicia, through the Axencia Galega de Innovación (GAIN)-, TEGRA was born last year in the framework of the mixed research unit IRMAS (Information Rights Management Advanced Systems) in order to improve information security of companies through technology and place Galicia as a relevant agent in the field of cybersecurity. The mixed cybersecurity research unit IRMAS, in which marks the birth of TEGRA, is co-financed by the Operating Program FEDER 2014-2020 by the European Union, whose objective is to promote the quality of technological development, innovation and research.


R&D&I to improve information security

“According to the latest Ponemon Institute report, the probability of an organization suffering a data leak is 25%. From TEGRA we bet on Stela Filetrack, an ElevenPaths’ product, the Cybersecurity Unit, developed together with our partner Gradiant to help organizations detect, respond and control this risk”, said Pedro Pablo Pérez, CEO of ElevenPaths, the Cybersecurity Unit at Telefónica. In addition to the possibilities of Stela FileTrack, attendees were able to test the innovative technologies Stela FileTrack is being built on. “TEGRA is the path to place Gradiant’s cybersecurity R&D strengths at the service of society and companies. This is one of the key technology pillars for the progress of digital society and economy. Our partnership with ElevenPaths helps to accelerate the pathway from R&D to market”, explained Luis Pérez Freire, executive director of Gradiant.

During the event, Fernando Jiménez, manager of Gradiant, moderated a round table on “Information Leaks: impact, control and mitigation”, with the participation of Roberto Baratta from ABANCA; Carlos López from Hijos de Rivera SAU; Fernando Suárez from Deputación de Ourense and David González from COREN Group. The event was closed with a final keynote by Ignacio Caño Luna from INCIBE.


Stablishing Galicia on the international cybersecurity map

From the beginning, the main goal of the TEGRA Cybersecurity center is to develop products and services in order to improve companies’ information security through advanced cryptographic techniques, to design identity checking mechanisms to access information and data analysis tools, in addition to classification, detection and documentation systems of abnormal access to information. TEGRA will also generate strategic alliances which will allow them to widen companies’ security, collaborating with organizations and entities such as the European CommissionCyberThreat AllianceEuropolIncibe, Organization of American States (OEA) and ECSO, the European Cyber Security Organization, of which Telefónica and Gradiant are members.

TEGRA is also working in order to stablish Galicia as a reference in the industry and create opportunity jobs in the region. Cybersecurity has become an essential topic inside organizations and an enabling element of the Industry 4.0. Galicia bets on cybersecurity innovation and wants to become a national and international referent in this field with TEGRA, hand by hand with Telefónica, with the Global Cybersecurity Unit, ElevenPaths; and Gradiant, reference ICT technology centre in Galicia.

During his speech, the Minister of Economy highlighted the role of cybersecurity as “an enabling element of the Industry 4.0, which makes it possible and safe, so the implementation of this center is an opportunity to place Galicia as a reference in the latest developments that occur in this field”. Therefore, he thanked “Telefónica for its commitment to Galicia, for its ICT hypersector and for the open innovation model that is being promoted with the Galicia Innova Plan and the program of the Mixed Research Units”, an initiative that forms part of this UMI of Telefónica and Gradiant, which has the support of the autonomous government of Galicia.

The center kicked off the activity with 20 specialists and two offices, one within the Gradiant headquarters in Vigo and the other in the Telefónica headquarters in A Coruña. Telefónica and Gradiant participate in the new center with a similar investment, 1.2 million euros from Telefónica and 1.1 million euros from Gradiant, and 678,000 euros from the autonomous government of Galicia through the Axencia Galega de Innovación (GAIN).


TEGRA cybersecurity center started within the framework of the mixed research unit IRMAS (Information Rights Management Advanced Systems), which is co-funded by European Union, within the framework of the Operational Program ERDF Galicia 2014-2020, to promote technological development, innovation and quality research.
