Telefónica integrates its digital signature solution and biometric SealSign with Microsoft Azure

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This integration of the SealSign platform with Microsoft Azure Key Vault, thanks to the Gradiant technology, will provide users with improved storage, scalability and availability with a saving of implementation costs of up to 80

A large number of Telcos around the world are joining together to tackle cybersecurity threats. This supplements the 2016 collaboration announcements with Fortinet, Symantec, McAfee, Cisco, Check Point Software Technologies, RSA, Microsoft o Palo Alto Networks.

Mikko Hyppönen, Chief Research Officer at F-Secure, and creator of various patents such as the US patent 6577920 “computer virus screening”, is the invited star of the event.

It is possible to follow the 5th Security Innovation Day via streaming at


Madrid, Thursday October 5th, 2017 – Telefónica celebrates its 5th Security Innovation Day, an event of national and international note about innovation and security. Pedro Pablo Pérez, CEO of ElevenPaths, shared his vision and strategy regarding cybersecurity, based on the fundamental premise that “this world requires a holistic vision, so as to cover the complete cycle of prevention, detection and solution as well as making both large companies and individual users more secure”.

Chema Alonso, Chief Data Officer at Telefónica and Chairman of ElevenPaths, presented the most relevant security innovations that the company endorses as one of the key figures in the world of cybersecurity. Among the most important new developments is the integration of the SealSign platform of digital and biometric signatures with Microsoft Azure Key Vault which, thanks to the PKCS#11 connector developed by Gradiant, can permit the safe storage of passwords and digital signatures online without the need to install a specific hardware.

This intregration results in improved storage, scalability and availability with a saving of implementation costs of up to 80

With the aim of offering clients more innovative cybersecurity solutions, thanks to the creation of intelligence networks about the threats that develop on the Web, ElevenPaths, -the Cybersecurity unit of Telefónica-, looks each year for the best partners at a global level with which they can create new alliances. An example of this is the agreement recently agreed with Telcos around the world, including Etisalat and Singtel, which supplements the collaboration announcements of 2016 with Fortinet, Symantec, McAfee, Cisco, Check Point Software Technologies, RSA, Microsoft o Palo Alto Networks.

Other new cybersecurity solutions that ElevenPaths presented during the day were:

  • SS-WIFI, a solution that allows organizations to know what users connect to their Wi-Fi, identifying them through their mobile telephone number thanks to the merger of Mobile Connect, a service that allows secure access to apps and online services without the need to remember passwords, with the Fortinet equipment.
  • Improvements in navigation security for users though the high-quality Telefonica routers, thanks to the integration of new security software from McAfee which also reaches IoT (Internet of Things) components which are connected to it.
  • The Faast solution for WordPress, persistent pentesting which allows organizations to reduce the time needed to detect security breaches within WordPress (software for the creation of web pages, blogs or applications).
  • Signbox, a solution which allows, amongst other things, the definition of signature flows when many individuals take part, the grouping of recorded documents to ease management, signatures through various mechanisms (biometric handwritten signature, signature with digital certificate and through OTP) and it can be used from any device, as well as from mobile applications such as a web browser.
  • ElevenPaths presented “Codename Path8”, a solution for the protection of organization’s sensitive documentary information, adding a layer of traceability which allows online visibility of the complete life cycle of each document, at any moment.

The Security Innovation Day also saw the vision of the future of cybersecurity of Mikko Hyppönen, the invited standout speaker. Hyppönen has been named the greatest evangelist of the industry and one of the most influential people on the internet according to prestigious journals in the sector, and he believes that “we are seeing the beginnings of our problems on the Internet. We need to act now if we want to keep the internet free and open”.

For Pedro Pablo Pérez “Telefónica continues with the process of digital transformation by firmly backing the End-to-End encryption, investing in infrastructure and allowing the creation of new cybersecurity operation centers in Latin America. In addition, it is building new partnerships to shape expansion in this area. It is creating four new patents in order to develop solutions and invest in human capital that allows not only for the growth of skills, but also to continue to see double-digit growth”.

About ElevenPaths

We at ElevenPaths believe in the idea of challenging the current state of the security sector, because technology needs this pressure in order to evolve. We continually rethink the relationship between security and people with the aim of creating innovative products that are capable of transforming the concept of security, so we are always one step ahead of our attackers, who are an increasing threat in our digital life.

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About Telefónica

Telefónica is one of the world’s largest telecommunications companies when it comes to stock market capitalisation and customer numbers. The company relies on a full range of products and services and quality connectivity provided through the very finest fixed, mobile and broadband networks. It is a growing company that offers an unrivalled experience, based on the company’s own values and on a pro-customer stance intended to protect their interests.

Telefónica is present in 21 countries and has a customer base of over 327 million accesses. The company has a particularly b presence in Spain, Europe and Latin America, where it focuses most of its growth strategy.

Telefónica is a completely private company with over 1.5 million direct shareholders. Its share capital is currently divided into 4,975,199,197 common stock, which are quoted on the continuous market of the Spanish stock exchanges and also on the London, New York, Lima and Buenos Aires exchanges.


