The collaboration between Optare Solutions and Gradiant receives TM Forum recognition

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Alexandre Pellitero Rivero e Iria Rodríguez | Researchers

TM Forum Team Action Week 2013 was held last week (January 21-25) in Madrid, where some work teams of the organization had several meetings to update and move forward current projects under development. Companies such as Optare Solutions, Orange, Ericsson or Microsoft attended to this event. Gradiant has also intervened in the Team Action Week, joining meetings about eHealth and, specially, Data Analytics, since it is the project where Gradiant is directly involved.

During this event, four “TMForum Outstanding Contributor Award” were granted to TM Forum most active collaborators, as recognition for the important work developed. Xose Ramón Sousa, from Optare Solutions, was one of the award-winners for the contribution provided by the collaboration between Gradiant and Optare Solutions to the TM Forum.Integration Program (TIP).

Concretely, the award was granted in relation with the Shared Interfaces Infrastructure (SII) tool development and maintenance. According to TM Forum. nnouncement, new features were provided on time and with a high level of quality. This contribution was instrumental in moving the SII work forward in the Frameworx 12.5 release.

This award is a proper starting point for Gradiant to continue its contribution within TM Forum., and thus to break through into the organization.