University and Gradiant regulates their collaboration by an agreement

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The Vice-chancellor of Vigo University, Alberto Gago, and GRADIANT General Director, have signed a collaboration agreement to regulate the participation of the direction and the teaching and researcher staff members from Vigo University to collaborate with GRADIANT on the different researching and advising work.

The Vice-chancellor of Vigo University, Alberto Gago, and GRADIANT General Director, have signed a collaboration agreement to regulate the participation of the direction and the teaching and researcher staff members from Vigo University to collaborate with GRADIANT on the different researching and advising work.

With this initiative, we are taking a step forward to get the objective of working in fortifying, growth and enhancing the competitivity of the Galician telecommunication and information technologies. We are getting this by reaching the excellence in investigation and technological development.

In the vanguard of telecommunication
The Galician Research and Development Center in Advanced Telecommunication was founded on December 2007 and it has a physical head office in the Higher Technical School of Telecommunication Enginnering of Vigo since a few of months, although the permanent location will be on Citexvi (Vigo Technological City).
The Foundation groups the three SUG universities, the main international and Galician network operator, the most important hardware companies and the sector SME association, amongst others.
Part of the mission that the Foundation has to carry out is to make different I+D projects, coordinating the participation of the Galician agents on national and European statements and representing the Galicia telecommunication industry at an international level.