3.4 million people check their passports and ID cards thanks to Gradiant

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  •  Firms in 6 countries use Gradiant’s anti-fraud innovation
  •  The center presents its cybersecurity partnership with Council Box

3.4 million people have already used Valida, Gradiant’s latest innovation, to attest to the veracity of identity documents: ID cards, passports and driving licenses. The software from the Galician technology center has been used by entities in Germany, Austria, Brazil, Spain, Mexico and Singapore since 2019 to prevent fraud when identifying their customers.
Gradiant, Centro Tecnolóxico de Galicia, has been developing innovations for 370 clients for 13 years. It currently has 150 professionals specialized in advanced technologies and innovation and generates an annual turnover of 6 million euros.
In the last year, 15 new companies in the insurance, financial, identity verification and real estate sectors have already tested Gradiant’s anti-fraud technology. Between January and June 2022, the innovation has managed more than 600,000 verifications. The tool analyzes and detects manipulations in identity documents such as ID cards, passports or driver’s licenses. Valida uses artificial intelligence-based forensic techniques to analyze physical documents, images and online files without requiring comparison with the originals or external databases. The system recognizes forgeries even if they are photographs, photocopies or screenshots. The software can be implemented in any web or application and allows checking the veracity of other documents such as invoices or payment receipts.
The innovation has been developed at Gradiant since 2019 by a dozen professionals and is marketed in license format. The development of proprietary solutions and technological patents generates a turnover of more than 600,000 euros per year for the technology center, 35 times more than 7 years ago.

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Last week, Gradiant held DemoWeek, an event held over 5 days and on 5 technologies to learn about the latest advances in cybersecurity, 5G, industry 4.0, artificial intelligence and UAS. The meeting featured presentations, round tables and real live innovation experiences for companies in sectors such as ICT, industrial, engineering, wood, drones, renewable energy and security to learn from Gradiant experts about the results of their research.
During Wednesday’s day, the day focused on cybersecurity technologies, the new alliance of Gradiant and the Galician company Councilbox has been presented: GIC-TEL, identity management and cybersecurity in telematic processes, the joint research unit to develop new tools to prevent identity fraud.
Councilbox, on the market since 2015, aims to improve the quality of life of people in their relations with public and private entities, giving them the possibility to participate telematically, in a simple, secure and assisted way, in the decision-making processes and administrative formalities to be carried out with any organization. A fundamental part of Councilbox’s products is the legal security provided to the processes it supports and, in this sense, innovation in identity management and cybersecurity is key to continue differentiating its value proposition.
Both entities will work together over the next three years to research and test solutions to guarantee cybersecurity in videoconferences and online procedures with the public administration, as well as to strengthen innovations against identity fraud. The project has a funding of 1.8 million euros, and with the support of the Xunta de Galicia through the Axencia Galega de Innovación and is co-financed by the Operational Program ERDF Galicia 2021-2027 of the European Union.
Gradiant has reached in 2021 its historical record of income, with 6 million euros in R&D&I projects conceived and developed from Galicia. The Telecommunications Technology Center has increased its turnover by 15.4% compared to the previous year, with a 50.2% growth in the sale of patents and licenses and 71.2% in projects commissioned directly by companies.