The AEROGANP project aims to boost research in the aerospace sector in the GNP Euroregion. This will be achieved by creating a cross-border cooperation network among public and private agents to foster the generation and transfer of R&D&I.
The specific objectives include:
- Creating a cross-border network that connects the main actors in the space sector and generates a lasting map of capacities and synergies.
- Launching a demonstrator to facilitate the transfer of aerospace technology to society.
- Contributing to the development and improvement of research, innovation, and technology transfer capabilities in the aerospace sector to the productive sector.
The project will materialize through a demonstrator with two components: one in Guimarães (Portugal) for the analysis of spatial and aerial data, and another at the CIAR in Rozas (Galicia) for testing advanced drones. This demonstrator will strengthen cross-border cooperation and enable the continuity of collaborations beyond the project’s timeframe.
The project includes six activities (four technical and two transversal) to provide the aerospace sector with an R&D&I ecosystem, with the following expected results:
- Strengthening cross-border cooperation in the aerospace sector.
- Increasing the transfer of knowledge from basic research to the productive environment.
- Increasing the number of aerospace researchers and technologists, reaching the critical mass needed to lead large projects.
- Enhancing the R&D&I ecosystem as an attractive investment opportunity.