Start / End
Abril 2021 / December 2021
The BIECO project (Building Trust in Ecosystems and Ecosystems Components) is a holistic framework that will provide mechanisms to help companies better understand and manage their cybersecurity risks and the threats they face by being part of the ICT value chain. The framework, consisting of a set of tools and methodologies, will address the challenges related to vulnerability management, resilience, and auditing of complex systems. In this project, Gradiant will develop tools for vulnerability detection and prediction in software, as well as analyzing its propagation through the supply chain.
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UNINOVA (UNI), Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (IESE), Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (UTC), Universidad Murcia (UMU), RESILTECH (RES), HOLISUN SRL (HS), TTTECH (TT), 7Bulls S.A. (7B), Interactive Fully Electrical Vehicles (IFEVS)