Protection for 6G Based on Human Nature

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Seguridad 6G

The NATWORK project (Net-Zero Self-Adaptive Activation of Distributed Self-Resilient Augmented Services) aims to deploy a resilient 6G infrastructure powered by artificial intelligence (AI), laying the groundwork for security in future 6G networks. The security mechanisms in NATWORK operate analogously to the human immune system’s biological defense mechanisms. They adapt to various cyberattacks in real-time and continuously learn from their responses.

Four Innovations in 6G Security with NATWORK

NATWORK will conduct pioneering research in 6G network security across four key areas:

  1. Bridging the Security Gap: The project will close the innovation gap between software systems, resource management, and network architectures.
  2. Simplified Interconnection: It will enable multiple providers to interconnect resources and services using simplified, secure-by-design interfaces, eliminating the need for rigid planning and engineering processes.
  3. AI Integration: NATWORK will natively integrate AI across multiple network layers, from the physical layer to the vertical application layer.
  4. Comprehensive Defense: The project will provide a holistic framework to combat threats targeting the physical layer, such as interference, tracking, and eavesdropping, which wireless networks are particularly vulnerable to.

Given the system’s complexity and high degree of heterogeneity, NATWORK’s greatest challenge lies in the functional integration of its various tools to deliver a unified, coordinated, and adaptive response to cyberattacks.

Focus on the Physical Layer: PKG and Anti-Jamming DetAction

In this project, Gradiant is focusing on two key aspects of physical layer security (PLS), building on work initiated in the 6GEnablers project.

  1. Physical Layer Key Generation (PKG):
    Gradiant is developing a key generation system for authentication based on radio channel characteristics, as the radio channel between two devices is unique in terms of technical attributes. For instance, path loss values, measurable by both devices, are identical and impossible for a potential cyberattacker to guess without being physically located in the exact position of the legitimate devices. A key generated from these unique values ensures enhanced security by adding PLS to the existing network security measures.
  2. Anti-Jamming with DetAction:
    Intentional interference, or jamming, remains a persistent issue in 6G networks. Jamming disrupts communication by preventing the receiver from correctly capturing the signal, potentially causing interruptions. Traditional anti-jamming systems rely on a two-phase process: detecting the attack and then counteracting the jammer. Gradiant’s DetAction system (Detection + Action) unifies these functions into a single process using AI algorithms. This approach enables automatic countermeasures against the jammer immediately upon attack detection, resulting in faster response times and minimized interference effects.

European Funding

The NATWORK project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No. 101139285, as well as from the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU).