Integrated Management Systems Policy

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Integrated Management Systems Policy

In order to successfully guide the Quality Management System, R&D&i and information security, Gradiant defines as a general policy to achieve full customer satisfaction and to enhance Research, Development and Innovation activities in order to improve the competitiveness of the sector.

The management of Gradiant aware of the importance of quality, R&D, Information Security and customer satisfaction, has decided to implement a Management System based on the standards ISO 9001, UNE 166002 and ISO 27001 in our project development processes in the field of information technology and telecommunications.

In its objective to act as a tractor of the Galician information and communication technologies sector, Gradiant’s activity is based on the following premises:

  • It is the commitment of ALL to be continuously informed of the innovations and technological changes required in the market, as well as the demand of the sector.
  • The organizational culture is based on shared knowledge.
  • There is a complete and priority commitment of the Gradiant Management with the fulfillment of the applicable requirements and the continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the Quality Management System, of the R + D + i, the security of the information and the instruction and motivation of the staff to integrate and participate in it.
  • Implement and create the right conditions in the different areas of work of the Organization to facilitate the expression of new ideas and proposals necessary for the development of new projects.
  • Increase profitability, for which it is necessary for each person to improve their own work, for the company’s procedures to be agile, efficient and economical, and for actions and programs aimed at prevention rather than correction to be established.
  • This Policy provides the frame of reference to establish and review the objectives of Quality, R & D & I and information security.


At Gradiant, we will analyze and monitor the indicators of our system, and develop the necessary training and information plans so that all the personnel of the organization acquire the culture of quality, R&D&i and information security and necessary participation to achieve a favorable evolution of the same and an achievement of the proposed objectives.

The Management undertakes to review, communicate, give to understand and apply throughout the organization this Policy and the System implemented.

Likewise, this document will be available to any of the interested parties.





Last update: February 2024