detección precoz del cáncer de próstata con IA

Early Detection of Prostate Cancer with AI

Over the past decade, AI has experienced exponential growth and has changed the way we interact with technology across various sectors of society. This evolution is also present in the clinical field, where these tools have revolutionized the way diseases are diagnosed, treated, and managed today.

Adriana Febles Rodríguez

21st Century Women Technologists: Adriana Febles Rodríguez

We continue to meet our colleagues in 21st Century Women Technologists after the summer break. Getting to know their profiles, why they chose their careers, and the work they do at Grandiant can encourage and inspire other young women technologists to follow their path in technology. Listening to a young professor of Telecommunications Engineering talk […]

Imagen que simboliza el 5G y el uso de la inteligencia artificial

Artificial intelligence, key to identifying 5G signals

We live in a hyper-connected world. Our smartphones, home automation systems or IoT devices used by some utilities are connected to highly complex communications networks that need to be monitored from a radioelectric point of view. In this monitoring of radiofrequency signals there is an essential function to prevent incidents such as interference or a […]

10 key factors to the Smart Industry

We are immersed in an environment in which we continually hear about Industry 4.0 and the application of technologies such as IoT or Artificial Intelligence to solve multiple problems and use cases that may arise in a manufacturing environment. Typical examples may be defect reduction and prescription of industrial process parameters, logistics optimization, or even […]

#WeareCommitment: SDG 2030, promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

    In recent years, much of the economic development of first-world countries has been based on advances in technology. In all sectors, from the primary sector to the service sector or tourism, they have been forced to modernize their systems to overcome a development ceiling and continue offering their services in an optimal and […]