Inteligencia Artificial

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CICERO: Response to the Increase in Cyberattacks

En la Red Cervera CICERO, nuestra organización trabaja junto a los centros tecnológicos: CEIT, FIDESOL,...

Early Detection of Prostate Cancer with AI

Over the past decade, AI has experienced exponential growth and has changed the way we...

This is the new EU’s AI act

The European Union's first AI law has just been passed to regulate the various areas...

Pandemic increases e-fraud and vulnerability of businesses and citizens 

Valida allows an effective response in the fight against document and identity fraud. This solution...

Artificial Intelligence and 5G: new paradigms for mobile networks (II)

In this second article, we will speak about how 5G and Artificial Intelligence could become...

eHealth Tribune: Artificial Intelligence in the field of eHealth

There are some areas in which the impact of implementing ICT can be more notable,...

Tribuna GRD: Data Analytics

Todavía son muchos los que desconocen, no solo en qué consiste el Data Analytics, sino...

Big Data, IA y Transformación Digital: nuestro resumen de Big Things 2019

Un año más traemos nuestro resumen de Big Things 2019 (antes Big Data Spain) y...

Artificial Intelligence: truths and myths

We are experiencing the rise of a set of methods, algorithms and applications under the...

Inteligencia Artificial: PLN para mejorar la atención al cliente

En el año 2020, el 85% de los centros de atención al cliente estarán gestionados...

Seguridad multimedia: inteligencia artificial para combatir el fraude digital

La edición de imagen no es algo que haya nacido de forma repentina con Photoshop,...