Mujeres tecnólogas

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Mujeres tecnólogas: Susan Wojcicki

Hoy os traemos la historia de una de las mujeres más importantes en el panorama...

Mujeres tecnólogas: Dorothy Vaughan

Vaughan fue una brillante matemática que trabajó en la West Area Computing de la NASA...

Women in Technology: Ginni Rometty

Our today's female referent is, more than a technologist, a real business woman. Virginia "Ginni"...

Mujeres tecnólogas: Rosalind Franklin

Rosalind Franklin fue una química y cristalógrafa inglesa a la que le ocurrió lo que...

Women in Technology: Fei-Fei Li

New episode of the ‘Women in Technology’ series, this time dedicated to a modern researcher:...

Women in Technology: Hedy Lamarr

Successful Hollywood actress and scientist, her biggest contribution to ICT world was in the wireless...

Women in Technology: Marie Curie

Considered a pioneer in the radioactivity field, this famous Polish-French scientist was the first woman...

Mujeres tecnólogas: Inspira STEAM

Fomentar la vocación tecnológica entre las niñas a través de acciones de sensibilización y orientación...

Women in Technology: Limor Fried

March is the women's month and at Gradiant you can read every Friday a post...

Women in Technology: Jude Milhon

We are beginning a new section of Women in Technology introducing Jude Milhon, programmer, writer...

21st century Women Technologists: Women in technology

In 2018 we introduced you to our women technologists. This time, we would like to...

21st century Women Technologists: Antía Fernández

Born in Allariz, our colleague is a telecommunications engineer and played in the Galician basketball...

21st century Women Technologists: Nora M. Villanueva

In her free time, Nora enjoys music -if it is live, that' s better-, travel...

21st century Women Technologists: Helena Fernández

few years ago, our colleague moved from her hometown of Rio de Janeiro to Braga...

21st century Women Technologists: Marta Sestelo

Marta is a native of Gondomar and in addition to statistics - a field in...

21st century Women Technologists: Manuela I. Martín Vicente

Manuela is a Telecommunication Engineer and Doctor in Telematic Engineering. In her free time, she...

21st century Women Technologists: Lilian Adkinson

Since 2009, Lilian is part of the team as a researcher in the area of...

21st Century Women Technologists: Laura Busto

Our colleague Laura loves the series but she really enjoys the languages: English, French and...