5G forum 2024

Guide to navigate the 5G Forum 

  This year, we return to the 5G Forum to showcase our advances in technology focused on two main aspects: the security of 5G networks and UxVs. The event will take place at the Nissan Cartuja Auditorium in Seville, in a hybrid format with two in-person days (May 6th and 7th) and three virtual days […]

Imagen de pagos digitales

Crypto technologies for banking and digital payments

  Cash will be numbered. With the advent of COVID-19, the growth of digital payment transactions has accelerated, with a particular focus on contactless, online and instant payments. Accenture’s global study shows that contactless payments have grown by 150% since March 2019. Nearly 2.7 trillion transactions, worth $48 billion, are expected to shift from cash to […]

GRD Tech: Towards a quantum technology useful for Industry

  Quantum technology is one of the areas with the greatest potential for growth. Although its development and use is still in its incipient stage, the possibilities and solutions it will provide are still unimaginable. Andrea Rodríguez Blanco, head of quantum technologies at Gradiant, shares in this GRD Tech a very clarifying simile: just as […]

Towards a universal, self-sovereign and privacy preserving digital identity for the public sector

The digitalisation of public administration services is nowadays an essential part of the Digital Single Market strategy to improve the access to goods and services across Europe for both citizens and businesses. In many cases, access to specific public services requires secure and trustful identification and management of the so called ‘digital identities’. Traditionally, digital […]